Eggs are an animal food ingredient that contains almost all macro- and micronutrients. Egg whites are a source of protein, vitamins B2, B6, B12, and selenium. Egg yolks contain fat, calories, cholesterol, and several types of minerals. Chicken eggs of domestic chickens and purebred chickens contain different amounts of nutrients. However, both are equally dominated by proteins and fats, and have a variety of vitamins and minerals in certain amounts. Two purebred chicken eggs weighing 100 grams contain the nutrients below.
• Energy (calories): 154 kcal. • Protein: 12.4 grams (g). • Fat: 10.8 g. • Carbohydrates: 0.7 g. • Calcium: 86 milligrams (mg). • Phosphorus: 258 mg. • Iron: 3 mg. • Potassium: 118.5 mg. • Sodium: 142 mg. • Vitamin A: 104 micrograms (mcg). • Thiamine (vitamin B1): 0.12 mg. • Riboflavin (vitamin B2): 0.38 mg. Chicken eggs also contain adequate amounts of vitamin B6, vitamin D, vitamin E, vitamin K, and zinc. Not only that, there are also two antioxidant compounds called lutein and zeaxanthin.